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As long as it takes. Not every piercing will close within moments of taking the jewellery out, there are other aspects that come into play. Length of time you had the piercing, the size of the jewellery, healing issues all these affect how fast a piercing will close. So as long as the jewellery is out the body will deal with it as it sees fit.

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15y ago

In My Past Experience It Depends on the person Mine Closed after about a week and a half but my friends closed in 2 days so it depends on the person.

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Q: How long does it take for a lip piercing to close up?
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How long will it take a lip piercing to fade?

The length of time you have the piercing for will be three times that period for the piercing marks to close up and disappear.

How long will it take your lip piercing to close up if you have had it for 2.5 years?

There isn't a way to tell :/

How long does it take A UNDER U LIP to close?

Its called a labret piercing. The time that you can leave the piercing empty varies from person to person.

How long until you can take your lip piercing out?

In About 2 weeks you can take it out...

How long will a lip piercing hole be visible for?

As long as the body takes to minimize the piercing and close it, there is no magic solution that will make it close faster. It's just a matter of time.

How long will it take your lip piercing to completely close up if you just got it last night?

Well I'd Say A Day Or Two.

What if you removed your piercing from a infected lip?

NEVER take out your piercing if it is infected. Doing so can cause an abscess. The piercing will close and trap the infection inside

Do they numb the lip when getting piercing removed?

you don't need to. you just take the piercing out and it closes. it might take awhile but eventually the hole will close

How long does it take for a lip piercing to close up after you've had it for 4 weeks?

It should take about a day i had mine for 2 months then took them out and they closed the next day

How long does it take until a year-old lip piercing heals with as little mark as possible?

Well the longer the jewellery is left out of the piercing the sooner it will close and shrink to be less noticable unless you had a serious issue with the piercing then it may take even longer. Once you have had a piercing for over a year it can take sevral months without jewellery in the piercing to shrink and become unnoticable, the piercing doesn't just close and heal up the body has to work in reverse of healing to close the piercing permanently and this takes time.

How long will it take for lip piercing to heal after being removed?

i think a few weeks but no offence but lip peircings are stupid

Do you have to take out lip piercing when getting your tongue done?

Nope, i've had my tongue pierced, and i didn't have to take my lip piercing out.