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bloom as in flower. about 6 weeks. sativa is longer.

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Q: How long does it take for a hydroponic marijuana plant to bloom?
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Does the type of marijuana effect how long it stays?

Yes strongly, if you take medical marijuana and compare it's effects to that of sstreet marijuana, you'll notice that the medical is much stronger. Medical, Chronic, or Hydroponic is what you wanna go for, trust me.

What if male marijuana plants has been next to female plant for to long what happens?

You have baby marijuana plants

How long before they bloom?

Flowers, trees, shrubs, etc. all have a different length of time before they bloom. For example: are you asking about how long a crepe myrtle tree takes to bloom after you buy it from the nursery and plant it or are you asking what month you can expect to see crepe myrtles in bloom? Are you asking how long an amaryllis bulb in a glass container with rocks takes to bloom after it's purchased from a store or are you asking when amaryllis plants normally bloom in their native habitat in South America? Please ask about a specific plant.

How long can a weed plant live without soil?

If you keep it in hydroponic fluid it can actually grow. but without that it will die within a few hours...

Does marijuana grow good in Oklahoma?

Marijuana grows everywhere... because people grow it!! as long as you have seeds for it and know how to plant it

How long does a marijuana plant live?

A marijuana plant typically has a life cycle of about 3-5 months, from seed to harvest. After harvest, the plant dies.

How long a marijuana plant lasts?

Right up till the moment it gets smoked!

What plant has fuzzy pointed leaves about 2 inches long single stem in California?


Is grass a short day plant or a long day plant?

Plants that require more than six hours of sun per day, which is also referred to as day length and a short day plant is a plant that needs long periods of darkness before it can bloom

What happens when a marijuana plant goes to long?

The THC degrades and will not get you high anymore. The bud will eventually fall off like fruit from any other plant

How long for marijuana plant to grow using mirical grow?

Lol, Miracle grow is for garden weeds. Not weed that you smoke. If you do use it for marijuana, it'll ruin it.. because of toxic chemicals.

How long does it take for a marijuana plant to grow outside?

The time a marijuana plant takes to grow is dependent on many things. To generally answer this question a marijuana plant will grow through out the entire growing season of where you grow it. the growing season usually lasts between 5-9 months in the northern hemisphere. that being said, you can plant the seed or clone out doors any time into the growing season as long as you allow enough time for veg before the autumn days shorten forcing the plant into a reproductive state, (male balls form or female buds grow).