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A properly done nostril piercing should only be uncomfortable at the most for 24 hours. If the piercing is still uncomfortable past the 24 hour point then chances are good that there is some form of issue with the tightness of the jewellery in the piercing, cleaning procedure, method used to conduct the piercing.

If the piercing was done with a piercing gun, well then there's your problem. Piercing guns are never to be used to pierce anything other than ear lobes. In Canada "Health Canada" has made it more than clear to piercing gun manufacturers that they are not permitted to use piercing guns on anything other than ear lobes. This policy has also started to appear in most US state health guidelines for piercing services.

Now if the piercing was done by a professional body piercer, I would suggest you revisit your piercer and have them look at the piercing to ensure you have enough room on the jewellery piece for the possible swelling and cleaning requirements. The method used to clean the piercing could also be causing you some issue so this can be discussed with your piercer.

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Q: How long does a nose piercing hurt for?
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A nose piercing hurts more when piercing it than after it is done. The pain generally lasts a few seconds and if done by a professional it hurts less because they use quality needles.

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A septum piercing is a type of nose piercing. The cartilage is not pierced but the gap between the bottom of the nose and cartilage is. Many have said that it does not hurt very much, but everyone's tolerance is different.

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I have both, and defin0ately the nose hurts more. I would say the navel piercing hurts around 1/10 compaired to the nose =] hope this helps XX

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My nose hurt worse then my tongue. However, the first week of having your tongue pierced sucks!

What is a piercing on your nose called?

It is called a nose piercing.

How much does it hurt getting your nose pierced?

a lot obviously ^ this is not true. How much pain you have depends on you and how sensitive you are. I have my nose pierced and it hurt only during the initial piercing and it wasn't extremely bad..

Do nose piercings hurt i mean the studs in the corner of your nose?

Nope! I have my ears pierced, nose, and belly button. And honestly, the nose was probably the LEAST painful! It hurts a little when they push the needle through, but after about 5 minutes it didn't even hurt at all. It was like I had had the piercing forever. Mine wasn't even tender. Most painless piercing in my opinion.

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Labret posts usually don't sit well in nose piercings but it wouldn't hurt to try it out!

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I got my cartilage pierced when I was 12. And it honestly did hurt a little bit. Compared getting your nose pierced it hurts 10 times worse. I got my nose pierced for my 16th birthday and it didn't hurt at all. All you feel when you get your nose pierced is some pressure.

Does it hurt when getting your nose pierced?

Pretty much all piercings hurt - its just a matter of how much. Most nose piercing hurts about the same as getting an earlobe pierced. Of course there is also soreness after the piercing which usually goes away after it heals up (unless it gets infected).