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Its 3 days in the blood. 30 days in your urine.

30 days.

THC stays in the bloodstream for 30 day. :D

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9mo ago

THC can typically be detected in the bloodstream for 1-7 days after use, but this can vary depending on factors like frequency of use, dosage, metabolism, and individual differences. Chronic users may have detectable levels for up to 30 days.

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13y ago

around a month, but if you exercise and drink a lot of water you can get it out in a week or less.

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Q: How long does THC stay in your bloodstream?
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How long does it take THC to leave your blood?

Depending on how much your intake of THC is. If your intake of THC is a couple times a week it will stay for about 3-4 weeks. If you only smoked once it would stay in your system for 48 hours.

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For as long as it stays in yours.

How does THC enter the bloodstream?

Through the alveoli in your lungs.

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THC stays in your spit for 24h. Or max. 3 days.

How long can THC can stay in your body?

It is very unlikely casual exposure to cannabis smoke will cause THC to be transferred to the blood.

How long would THC stay in hair folices?

THC is supposed to stay in your system for 30 days. Give or take a few based on your metabolism. But I have heard people say that it can stay in your hair for years. I guess it depends on how long you have smoked and how often.

For a regular smoker how long do THC stay in blood and uraine?

THC can typically be detected in blood for up to 3 days in occasional users and up to 1 month in heavy users. In urine, it can be detected for up to 30 days in regular users, depending on factors such as frequency of use and metabolism.

How long does THC stay in your saliva for a cheek swab?

Thc can be detected in the saliva for 5 to 10 days depending if you are a heavy user.

How long does THC stay in your system if you are a occasionel smoker?

Up to 30 days.