Usually thr first week you can, but it's also common during the third trimester.
It is normally when your period would be due
When pregnant, you do not get your period
Yes but not for a long period of time
yes you can be pregnant
Some women when they first get pregnant can spot, but you should always see your doctor if you are spotting. Please make an appointment right away.
The gravid spot can be seen from both sides of a female guppy, but it is located directly in front of the anal fin on the bottom of their abdomen.
Yes. The Pill doesn't completely eliminate bleeding. What it does is fools the body into thinking that it's pregnant, so spot bleeding is relatively common.
When your female guppy is pregnant you can't tell by it's size. You have to look at it's gravid spot. Which is right behind their stomach and the tail. It's right around the butt of the guppy. It takes about a month for the babies to be born. Plus you can not stress out your the pregnant fish.
It is normal for a pregnant guppie to have a reddish interior on her Travis spot
There will be a dark spot in front of the fishes anus (cloaca) in a pregnant (gravid) female livebearer. This spot is called the "Gravid Spot".
When you are pregnant you will not have a period. You may have spottings though. Hope this helped :)
With a guppy you need to look at the gravid spot. This is a dark spot in the fish's belly. A large gravid spot indicates the fish is likely to be pregnant. You can tell how pregnant the fish is by how large the spot is. Sorry I have no experience with other species.