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Yes. The Pill doesn't completely eliminate bleeding. What it does is fools the body into thinking that it's pregnant, so spot bleeding is relatively common.

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Q: Can you spot bleed while on birth control?
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Related questions

Should you keep taking birth control if it just started making you spot bleed?

Yes, because if you don't you will keep bleeding

Is it normal to spot while on the sugar pills?

The birth control pill can make the lining of the uterus thinner, and so you don't bleed as much during the pill-free week. Sometimes it's just spotting.

What does it mean if you start your period 2 weeks before the placebo pills and you still spot bleed all month and your already on your 3rd pack of Yaz birth control pills?

This can happen when the birth control you're on doesn't agree with you. You need to see your Doctor to go on a different brand of birth control. It's also advisable you perform a pregnancy test.

Is it normal to spot after missing 4 birth control pills?

Absolutely! You missed 4 pills so you will probably get a full blown period for a lot longer than normal. You will prob spot up until you are scheduled for your period. Then you will get your normal period. If you are having sex be sure to use extra protection so you don't get pregnant. Hello. Yes missing birth control pills can cause you to spot. You spot blood because your body is trying to adust to being without the contraceptive hormones. Use a condom for the next week during sex otherwise you will be at risk of conceiving.

Can birth control delay a period after taking just the very first pill?

yes it can it could make you spot, or bleed, and it can mess up your cycle like the timing on it. but if you started taking it no worries your body will adjust.

What if you forget to take your birth control pill?

If you forget to take your birth control pill, don't take two to make up for the one you forgot! Start fresh the next day. Try to take them at the same time everyday also. Your less likely to spot bleed or start spotting when you forget your pill.

Can birth control make you spot?

Yes. In the first few months of being on birth control, this happens frequently, and it fades as you continue to use it.

What if you only spot while on the sugar pill?

It is possible, because when you're on birth control those aren't real periods. They're meant to have lighter bleeding.

Do you spot after stoping the pill?

Hi, Your question is: Do you spot after stopping the pill? Yes, you do spot after stopping the pill. The "spotting" usually occurs within 7 days of stopping the pill but sometimes it can take as long as 14 days to occur. This spotting is known as a withdrawal bleed and is perfectly normal. It simply means birth control is withdrawing from your system.

How long are you supposed to spot when you skip the sugar pills in your birth control?

It's unpredictable.

Why would you spot bleed for about three days then have your period and not be on any type of birth control pills?

Cycles vary, if it happens once don't worry. If it happens every month for four months, see a doctor your hormone levels may need medication.

Is it normal to spot for 2 weeks after taking birth control packs back to back?

no you can get sick