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Remington made three models that were chambered in .25 caliber. The Model 14 was produced from 1912 until 1935 in .25 Remington caliber. This was a bottle-neck catridge that looks similar to a .30-30 cartridge but without the rim. In late 1935 they updated the looks of the stock and called it the Model 141 and it too was produced in .25 Remington caliber until 1950. The Model 25 was also produced in a .25 caliber cartridge, the .25-20. This is actually a revolverl cartidge. The Model 25 was made from 1923 until 1936. Value would depend on condition.

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Q: How long did reminton make a 25 cal pump rifle?
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Did colt make a 22 caliber rifle?

Yes. The first one that comes to mind is the .22 Colt Lightning pump rifle.

Did Remington make a pump 22cal rifle?

Yes- several- beginning with the Model 12.

Did winchester make a 22 pump before 1910?

Yes.Winchester came out with the model 1890 pump action .22cal rifle in 1890.

What year wae Winchester model 1890 22 long pump rifle serial 613846?

With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 1890 pump action .22cal rifle was made in the year 1919.