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How long after your period before your fertile depends entirely on your menstrual cycle. During the typical 28 day cycle a woman will ovulate around day 14 and thus be fertile between days 7-16 (up to a week beforehand when fertile cervical mucus is present that can allow the sperm to survive in the vagina for up to a week, and up to 48 hours from ovulation). Unless a woman uses Fertility Awareness Methods she cannot know when she is fertile, so you should assume you're always fertile and use contraception in order to avoid unintended pregnancy.

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13y ago

It varies from person to person, but as a rough rule of thumb, figure 10 days to 2 weeks.

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Q: How long after your period you can get pregnant?
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How long can you have your period while being pregnant?

When pregnant, you do not get your period

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When you are pregnant you will not have a period. You may have spottings though. Hope this helped :)

Is it possible to get pregnant 18 days after period?

Yes it is possible to be pregnant after your period. In all honesty, as long as you have your period, it is possible for you to get pregnant as getting your period means that your female egg cells are circulating and are at work.

How long after the end of your period can you get pregnant?

you can not get pregnant while you have your period. you can only get pregnant when you are ovulating. ovulation happens about two weeks after your last period. if you are trying for a baby then the doctors can tell you when you are ovulating

Can you be pregnant after having your period for one day?

Yes. Anytime you ovulate you can become pregnant. It has nothing to do with how long your period lasts.

How long does it take to be pregnant after you have your period?

Immediately. You can become pregnant at any time in your cycle.

Im a month pregnant can you stand while pregnant?

Yes but not for a long period of time

How long after implantation bleeding can you tell if you are pregnant?

sometimes you can tell but you can be on your period and still be pregnant

Can you be pregnant if you had a period and it did'nt last long as usual?

It is possible to have your period 3 times during your pregnancy. Just because you have your period doesnt mean you are not pregnant.

You had a normal period a couple days after sex and then the next month it was early and not as long you did have a uti can you be pregeant?

Nope your not pregnant. Can't be pregnant you had your period. It sounds like you want to be pregnant.

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12 days.

What if you miss youre period?

You might be pregnant or just have a long discharge