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To be on the safe side wait for about a month and a half to two months. However, some people are just really prone to developing keloids, and those who do, also have a tendency to get keloids in the same area again and again. So if you do re-pierce your ears, keep an eye on them, and if they start to redden or raise, start to apply Tea Tree Oil to the entry and exit points about twice a day as needed to reduce the chances of the keloids getting too out of hand.

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Q: How long after keloid removal can ears be pierced again?
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If you have keloid skin can you get your ears pierced?

No, you should NOT get pierced if you have keloids. There is a good chance it will result in severe disfigurement and it is dangerous.

Can you get a keloid on your tonuge from a tongue piercing?

Yes, it's possible to get a keloid on your tongue.

If a person has a keloid on his chest and his ears is pierced and are fine Is it possible for him to get a tattoo on his neck?

it should be fine, just take good care of it.

Um..i have keloids and I'm 18 and you do not have your ears pierced but you want to get a tattoo Is it possible for you to get a tattoo while having keloids?

My sister has keloids. She had a tattoo to cover her keloid. It looks fine.

Does Hayley Williams have any piercings?

She got her septum pierced in the Summer of 2008, but stopped wearing it a few month later. In May 2009 she got her ears pierced. In 2010 she got her ears pierced again and now had two piercings in both ears.

Can nuns have pierced ears?

In the Catholic Church, there are no specific rules prohibiting nuns from having pierced ears. However, some religious orders may have their own guidelines regarding personal appearance, including the wearing of jewelry such as earrings. Ultimately, it would depend on the rules and traditions of the specific order that the nun belongs to.

Can you get your ears pierced again?

yes you can i have gotten my ears peirced like 5 times because i took my earings out to soon so yes you can have your ears pierced more than once if your ears close back up!!

Are guys with both ears pierced gay?

Once If a man has both of his ears pierced, it probably means that he's more into symmetry than men. A rather foolish question.

Does Hillary Clinton have her ears pierced?

Yes she does have her ears pierced.

When did Selena Gomez get her ears pierced?

Selena Gomez got her ears pierced when she was five years old. Ear piercing is a common practice in many cultures and is typically done during childhood. The procedure involves making a small hole in the earlobe to insert an earring.

How long is it before you can get ears pierced again after healing up?

4 to 6 weeks