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The thickness of a dime from tip to needle points, that's without the machine running. Tip: we don't call them "guns" they are "machines", novices who don't know better call them "guns".

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Q: How far should the needle be sticking out on a liner tattoo gun?
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What is a 7 round liner tattoo needle used for?


Is 1207rlb a shading tattoo needle?

07 needle grouping Round Liner so now its not a shading needle

What are size 3 round liner tattoo needles for?

They are for fine lines and detail that's in the tattoo you can also use this needle to do awhole tattoo for lines and shading without changing needles

Can you use a flat tattoo needle to make an outline like you can use a magnum tattoo needle?

You can if you need to, but I would not recommend doing this for a whole tattoo. Not that there is anything wrong with it per se, but you are taking at risk unneeded trauma to the skin with this configuration as opposed to using a nice tight Round Liner.

What do they use in making a linning before the tattoo is done?

to do the outline on a tattoo you need a needle called a liner for instance you could use a 14 round liner. now for shading you need a shader which is another kind of needle now you can use a 14 round shader or a 14 flat mag shader that answer your question and an p.s you can get a needle any size they can go as small as 1 all the way up to a 49 flat and so on

What kind of needle to use for a border on a tattoo?

For the borders/lines you use a liner needle.It can be 3liner,5liner,8liner...It all depends on how thick line you need...

What are size 3 round liner tattoo need?

Do u mean what is a 3 round liner tattoo needle used for? The 3 represents how many needles total, and round means they are arranged in a circle as opposed to lined up beside one another, liner means it is used for making lines. A 3RL is most commonly used for tattooing very fine lines in small or very detailed tattoos or lettering.

Is only one needle in a tattoo machine enough?

chances are your outline is done by a 5 or 7 liner (5 or 7 needles grouped tightly together) and your shading/color fill is done with a 7 mag or 14 mag depending on size of tattoo

Is tattooed eye liner considered a tattoo?


When doing old English lettering tattoo what is the best type of needle to use?

For the most common size that you would be doing it in. Line it with a 3RL, and then do your edges with 5RS. Then do the middle fill with a 15RS. The bigger the letters, the bigger the shade needle size and in some instances, the liner as well.

What is the best tattoo machine?

Many factors might affect a person's decision for a tattoo machine. For example, the cost, the quality, the brand, and the shape should be taken into consideration. There are many kinds of tattoo machines such as the liner machine, the shader machine and so on.

How fast should a liner tattoo machine run?

A tattoo machine's speed is so very widely variable that an estimate would do no good. You could use a weak coil machine with a lot of spring tension on a low power source and it will go really slow. But say you use a double contact liner at high power and it goes fast. Even a single machine can be a slow shader or a fast liner. You'll never find a straight up answer, sorry.