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No one answer, as there is no one gun. The safety on the 1911A1 .45 pistol is fairly easy to release- press down with your thumb. The safety on the Mosin-Nagant 91/30 rifle is VERY hard to turn. Different for each gun.

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Q: How easy is it to turn the safety on a gun?
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Why should you be for gun safety?

Because if you are against gun safety, you're probably dangerous when handling a gun. Many people that are not for gun safety never will and don't know as much as they probably should know about their gun/guns they own.

Has a gun ever went off in safety?

Possible if the safety or the gun is damaged. Unlikely, but possible.

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gangs turn to guns and other weapons for safety, they know that if they do use a gun or a weapon it is easier than getting in a fight. and some gangs use guns and weapons for safety knowing that they may be not as tuff as they say.

What kind of questions are on a gun safety test?

Rules for safe firearms handling and use are on gun safety tests.

Is a gun safety class required in Illinois?

No, Illinois does not require a gun safety class to own a firearm. However, it is highly recommended for gun owners to undergo a safety course to ensure they know how to handle and store their firearms responsibly.

Why do parents shoot a gun when the kid is in front of the gun?

I would surmise, because they are ignorant of gun safety rules and/or totally unconcerned with the safety and welfare of their children - or they are mentally disturbed.

Would there be less self caused gun accidents if you took gun safety?

Anyone who has a firearm should take a gun handling and safety course. Guns don't shoot themselves.

Why is gun safety important?

Safety is always important regardless of what object is involved.

What are the safety conditons for coax machine gun?

The safety conditions for a coax machine gun typically include: Ensuring that the gun is pointed in a safe direction at all times. Keeping your finger off the trigger until ready to fire. Regularly inspecting the gun for any damage or malfunctions before use. Following proper loading and unloading procedures. Using appropriate safety gear like eye and ear protection.

Is gun safety important?

It is extremely important.