Zycomycetes gametes grow to form spores called zygosporangiums while basidiomycete form spores basidiyms.
Essentially, just different divisions of fungi
dolphins and whales
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The lives of a prairie dog would differ because prairie dogs are not that wild like wolves might be. And wolves are in the canine family and prairie dogs are rodents.
Lower pelvic arteries differ from human from those of a cat in many different ways from the way the cat and human can go through labor and how the human and the cat can carry the babies of kittens are very different.
Some countries call them hawks, others may refer to them as vultures.
they live in space.
no, smut is an example of basidiomycete fungi.
Basidiomycetes, a type of fungi has flagella as its locomotory organ.
Yes it is, the mushroom is a fungus is a poisonous and psychoactive basidiomycete fungus
A basidiomycete is a type of fungus characterized by reproductive structures called basidia, which produce sexual spores. They include familiar fungi like mushrooms, shelf fungi, and puffballs. Basidiomycetes are important decomposers and mycorrhizal partners in many ecosystems.
A basidium is a reproductive structure found in the basidiomycete fungi that produces basidiospores. Basidiospores are the spores produced by a basidium through meiosis, and they are responsible for fungal reproduction and dispersal.
A basidium typically produces four spores during the process of reproduction in basidiomycete fungi.
Aseroe rubra, or anemone stinkhorn, is a basidiomycete fungus . It released a foul odor and looks like a red anemone when mature.
A structure called a basidiospore forms at the edge of a basidium. Basidiospores are a type of sexual spore produced during the reproductive process of basidiomycete fungi.
A puffball is a type of fungus belonging to the phylum Basidiomycota, not a zygote fungus. Puffballs reproduce by releasing spores from their fruiting bodies, which are structures formed by the fungus for spore dispersal.
Stephen William Parker has written: 'Physical characterization of the mitochondrial genome of the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Pisolithus Tinctorius' -- subject(s): Extrachromosomal DNA, Mitochondria, Pisolithus tinctorius
The death cap mushroom belongs to the taxonomic group Amanita phalloides. It is in the kingdom Fungi, division Basidiomycota, class Agaricomycetes, order Agaricales, and family Amanitaceae.