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basidia are club shaped hyphae of basidiomycete fungi that produce spores and basidiospore is a spore produced in the basidia of basidiomycetes during sexual reproduction

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8mo ago

A basidium is a reproductive structure found in the basidiomycete fungi that produces basidiospores. Basidiospores are the spores produced by a basidium through meiosis, and they are responsible for fungal reproduction and dispersal.

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What structure forms at the edge of a basidium?

A structure called a basidiospore forms at the edge of a basidium. Basidiospores are a type of sexual spore produced during the reproductive process of basidiomycete fungi.

Structure in club fungi holding reproductive cell?

Club fungi, also known as basidiomycetes, have specialized reproductive structures called basidia. Basidia are typically found on the surface of specialized structures called basidiocarps, such as mushrooms. These basidia hold and produce spores through a process called basidiospore formation.

What occurs underground between the time a basidiospore germination and a mushroom button forms?

basidiospore germinate to form mycelium ,two compatible monocaryotic mycelim fuse together and form dicaryotic mycelium bv plasmogamy .only secondary mycelium form fruit bodies of mushroom.

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A basidium is typically observed in the common?

A basidium is typically observed in the common mushroom. It is a reproductive structure that produces spores through sexual reproduction.

How many spores does a basidium produce?

A basidium typically produces four spores during the process of reproduction in basidiomycete fungi.

What is a basidiospore?

A basidiosporeis a seuxally reproductive spore produced by fungi of the phylum Basidiomycota.

Each basidium will produce how many spores?

Four spores

How many spores are in a mature ascus and mature basidium?


Is a club-shaped reproductive structure found in club fungi.?


What does a diploid cell inside a basidium produce as a result of meiosis?

A diploid cell inside a basidium produces four haploid spores as a result of meiosis. These spores can germinate to form new haploid organisms.

From what does the phylum basidiomycota get its name?

By their asexual spore reproduction.