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Teen pregnancy drasticly affects your future, you will find it hard to go to school because you will need to take care of the baby so you will probably drop and get a job as a cashier on minimum wage to support your baby and never get your education. Also you wont have time for your friends like you see on tv. So truthfully teen pregnancy will affect your life in so many negative ways

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Q: How does teen pregnancy affect your future?
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How does teen pregnancy affect the teen life?

Teen pregnancy change both a male and female teen... Pregnancy and birth can cause slot of stress and may cause you relationship with boyfriend or girlfriend to end. Pregnancy is slot of work and you need to take care of the baby and yourself.... Watch 16 and pregnant ... That might help... Good luck :)

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Not at all. Pets can not do that.

How can your baby be affected by teenage pregnancy?

Please see related links. There are many factors of teen pregnancy that can affect the fetus, and factors of teen parenting that can affect the child. Some of these are strictly medical whereas others have more to do with the stress caused by things a teen parent has to deal with. Stress is the most major contributor to health problems in both the mother and child in regards to teen pregnancy and parenting.

Is teen pregnancy a national issue?

Yes, teen pregnancy is a national issue in many countries as it can have negative effects on the health, education, and future opportunities of young parents. Efforts to reduce teen pregnancy rates often involve comprehensive sex education, access to contraception, and support services for young parents.

What is a thesis statement for teen pregnancy?

You can write about how to prevent teen pregnancy. Or what causes teen pregnancy. Talking about the right form of education to prevent teen pregnancy will work as well.

If I use medicine to stop a pregnancy - will a baby have the same genes in a future pregnancy?

The baby will have the genes from you and the father but it will not be a replica. The medicine used in abortion will not affect future pregnancies.

Does using condom sometimes creates any problem for pregnancy in future?

No, but if you are allergic to latex, and use a latex condom, you can get an allergic reaction, which shouldn't affect your chances of pregnancy in the future.

How does teen pregnancy effect on your life?

Teen pregnancy can affect your life because you are still yung and have a lot of things to accomplish! theirs alot of hard chooses to come with that preganancy like if your going to keep the baby or not. but on the plus side a child is a gift from God and everything happens for a reason. =)---- I would say that teen pregnancy could be VERY bad or VERY good. it wont be good until later but hopefully you have a supportive family and plans for what you want in your future for YOU - such as school and a career. If you don't have any of these things, it is NOT a good idea.

What are the roles teen parents face?

Teen Pregnancy

How does teen pregnancy affect the family as a whole?

as a whole most teen's are to immature physically and mentally, emotionally to raise a child so the teen's parent's usually end up raising the child. so it affects them and any sibling's the teen mother may have.