Nidoran GIRL evolves at level 16, same with boy. To get Nidoking and/or Nidoqueen, you need a moonstone to evolve it.
Nidoran will evolve at lv 16
Nidoran (boy or girl) evolves on level 16. Boy- Nidorino nidorino w/ moonstone = Nidoking Girl- Nidorina nidorina w/ moonstone = Nidoqueen
Nidoran evolves when he or she reaches level 16.
Nidoran M will first evolve into Nidorino at level 16 (no stone required). Then you can evolve your Nidorino with the Moon Stone.
you can evolve nidorena and nidoran, clefairy.
nidoran female evolves into nidorina at 16. after that u need a moonstone to evolve into Nidoqueen. same story for nidoran male. 16 and then moonstone for nidoking
Nidoqueen does not evolve into anything. It is the final evolution of Nidoran(female) Nidoran(female)>Lv16>Nidorina>Moon Stone>Nidoqueen
Catch a Nidoran M or a Nidorino. If a Nidoran M evolve it into a Nidorino , which will evolve into a Nidoking when a moonstone is used on it.
well you evolve nidoran into nidorino, nidorina and then use a moon stone
Nidoran evolve at level 16 into a nidorina then give it a moon stone in order for it to evolve into a nidoking/nidoqueen. Tips: Male evolve into nidoking. Female evolve into nidoqueen! Hoped this helped!
Nidoran female and male, evolve at lv !*, ther to evolve it to Nidoqueen or Nidoking, respectivly, get a Moon Stone! Sory,meant Lv 18 ------------------------------------------------------------- Your right about moon stone, but its lvl 16 that nidoran female and male evolve<< Signed Megadeth987