Nidoran (boy or girl) evolves on level 16.
Boy- Nidorino nidorino w/ moonstone = Nidoking
Girl- Nidorina nidorina w/ moonstone = Nidoqueen
Nidoran{male) LV.16 to Nidorino then use Moon Stone to evolve Nidorino to Nidoking
Nidoran female and male, evolve at lv !*, ther to evolve it to Nidoqueen or Nidoking, respectivly, get a Moon Stone! Sory,meant Lv 18 ------------------------------------------------------------- Your right about moon stone, but its lvl 16 that nidoran female and male evolve<< Signed Megadeth987
Pokemon Red/Blue Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 43 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 43 Pokemon Yellow Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 9 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 9
well since nidoran is suppose to evolve at level 16 im assuming you either caught it in the wild or gave it to a daycare. it should evolve on the next level up
Evolve it from larvitar at level 30 to evolve it into pupitar then evolve it into tyranitar at level 55
Nidoran evolves when he or she reaches level 16.
Nidoran{male) LV.16 to Nidorino then use Moon Stone to evolve Nidorino to Nidoking
I'm assuming you want to know what level Nidoran evolves in Soul Silver. Nidoran (both male and female) evolve at level 16.
Nidoran Female and Male both evolve at Level 16.
It evolves at level 16
Nidoran evolves on level 65.
Both sexes of Nidoran evolve at level 16. Males evolve into Nidorino and females evolve into Nidorina.
Nidoran will evolve at lv 16
I believe it evolves around level 16-nish
t doesn't evolve by level use a moon stone
i dont no lol i think 15 16 or 17