I think it smells like the blood loss you would normally get after childbirth
No, the smell of cat litter cannot cause a miscarriage.
No this isn't a miscarriage. Miscarriages result in extreme and intense pain which is agony and very heavy bleeding. What you experience is not a miscarriage. The blood tissue is a clot from your period.
Typically, a five week miscarriage would cause bleeding like a period.
Rust? it indeed has a smell! it smells like blood.
The heart smells mainly like blood. The reason for the smell is that the heart works to pump blood through the body.
Considering that humans are ,in fact ,animals it would make sense that human blood would have a similar smell to animal blood.Which we would find on our grocery and meat market shelves. The smell would be altered by diet,illness etc,but the fact remains blood smells ...well...like blood.
Hi penny smell is like iron, copper smell. stinks as blood
Erm.... BLOOD???
Yes, I had a miscarriage and right before I had started to spot brownish tinted blood.