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I'm not a doctor, but I have been smoking habitually for about 3 years now. I'm a 21 year old female and have just started looking into hormonal changes related to marijuana use. I have read mixed reviews, but many articles state that it does increase testosterone lvls in women and suppress testosterone in men. Honestly, I can believe it. My menstrual cycle use to be very regular, and has become more and more irregular during the past 2 years. My room mate who has also began to smoke habitually is also having problems with irregularity. New studies that contradict each other come out all the time. A doctor will tell you not to smoke, but often never really gives me the anwers I am looking for. What I can tell that I have noticed a difference. And that's enough evidence to get me to quit.

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7mo ago

Marijuana can affect female hormones by disrupting the normal functioning of the endocrine system, which controls hormone production. Chronic marijuana use has been linked to changes in levels of estrogen and progesterone, affecting menstrual cycles and fertility in some women. Additionally, marijuana can impact hormone-sensitive tissues like the ovaries and uterus, potentially leading to reproductive issues.

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How is THC put on marijuana?

THC occurs naturally in the marijuana plant in small, crystal-like structures called trichomes. These trichomes produce and store the THC and other cannabinoids that give marijuana its psychoactive effects. When the marijuana plant is harvested, dried, and then heated (through smoking, vaporizing, or cooking), the THC is activated and can be ingested to produce its effects.

How does marijuana effect your reactions?

Marijuana can impair reaction time, coordination, and judgment, leading to slower reflexes and decision-making. This can increase the risk of accidents, especially when driving or operating machinery.

Can marijuana effect your HCG levels?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that marijuana can directly impact HCG levels. However, marijuana use may have other effects on the body that could indirectly influence HCG levels, such as changes in stress levels or appetite. It is always best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

What is the difference between pheromone and hormones?

Pheromones are chemical signals released by an organism to influence the behavior of others of the same species. Hormones are chemical substances produced by glands in the body that regulate various physiological processes. Pheromones are used for communication between individuals, while hormones regulate internal functions within an organism.

Does marijuana cause slow thinking and reaction time?

Yes, marijuana can cause impairment in cognitive functioning, which can lead to slower thinking and reaction times. This is due to the effect of marijuana on the brain, particularly in areas responsible for concentration, memory, and decision-making.

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the female rrproductive system i m not sure

Side effect taking male female hormones?

Very emotiona,l nausea,dry mouth

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A normal male has both male & female hormones. But male hormones are predominantly higher than female hormones male eunuch female hormones are more than normal giving him female characteristics normal female,both hormones are there but female hormones are predominantly higher than male hormones female eunuchs male hormones are higher than normal.

What are the names of the two female hormones?

The Two female hormones are Estrogen and Progesterone

What effect does marijuana have on the eye pupils?

Very little is understood about the effect marijuana has on our eyes. Marijuana effects defferent people differently.

What hormones are the female hormones?

There are two hormones.They are Oestrogen and Progesteron.

Can anyone effect your hormones?

can anyone effect your hormones? spike your drink,or put something in your food?

How does marijuana effect the emotions?

Marijuana is a mild depressant

Does smoking weed lower your spe rm count?

not at all heres a quote from "Myth: Marijuana Interferes With Male and Female Sex Hormones. In both men and women, marijuana can cause infertility. Marijuana retards sexual development in adolescents. It produces feminine characteristics in males and masculine characteristics in females. Fact: There is no evidence that marijuana causes infertility in men or women. In animal studies, high doses of THC diminish the production of some sex hormones and can impair reproduction. However, most studies of humans have found that marijuana has no impact of sex hormones. In those studies showing an impact, it is modest, temporary, and of no apparent consequence for reproduction. There is no scientific evidence that marijuana delays adolescent sexual development, has feminizing effect on males, or a masculinizing effect on females. * Parents Resource Institute for Drug Education. Marijuana and Cocaine. Atlanta, GA: PRIDE, 1990. * Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. Female Adolescents and Marijuana Use; Fact Sheet for Adults. Rockville: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1995. * Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. Marijuana: Tips for Teens. Rockville: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1995. * Swan, Neil. "A Look at Marijuana's Harmful Effects." NIDA Notes. 9:2 (1994): 16. * Clinton, President Bill. Speech at Framingham High School. Framingham, Massachusetts. 20 Oct. 1994."

Does marijuana effect taste buds?

Marijuana in and of itself will not effect the taste buds. However, marijuana can increase your appetite, making food more appealing.

What are relexin hormone?

relaxin hormones are secreted by female gonds (female sex hormones) .there are three types of hormones which are secreted by female gonds. these are 1 progesterone 2 oestrogen 3 relaxin hormone

What is an effect from marijuana?

You get stoned