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There is no one way you will feel if you like someone. There are a number of feeling, sensations, or behaviors you may notice. Some of these are:

  • you'll think about them a lot when they're not around
  • when you are around them, you'll probably feel pretty happy, perhaps even giddy
  • you may feel warm around them
  • you may be clumsy around them
  • you may be speechless around them
  • you might stutter
  • you might blurt out goofy statements around them
  • you may feel protective of them

You might also have an experience similar to the one I had when I met my first love.

I recall with crystal clarity all of the events. I can tell you where we were, what we were doing, what she was wearing, her first words ever to me, I can recall her face, her hair, the smell of her perfume. I know what I thought, what I wanted to say, what I stuttered, and that she giggled when I opened my mouth to stutter it.

You might experience some, all, or none of these.

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