Do you mean four months of pregnancy? It is more or less as it will look when it is born, just a whole lot smaller. YOu can just about tell whether it is a boy or a girl.
all babies grow at different rates. At four months my baby was around 12 lbs.
depends on the environment in the household
baby platypus nurse for approx three to four months
Yes , three or four months ago.
An ultrasound after four months.
Baby platypuses do not have to survive on their own. They suckle from their mother for at least four months, and tend to stay with her until they are around eighteen months to two years old.
I nursed my baby till she was 4 months old then I dried up. She is now 8 months old and I just started to produce milk again. Is this normal or am I prego again?
A featus is a baby in the womb, but when you are a couple of months into the pregancy. t is when it starts to actually look like a baby, and not a little tadpole.
You can start your baby on cereal at about four months. Mix it with a bit of formula or breast milk. If he doesn't like it or it seems he is spitting it all out, wait a week and try again. Always consult your pediatrician first to confirm that your baby is ready.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises that children be seen for well-baby check ups at two weeks, two months, four months, six months, nine months, twelve months, fifteen months, and eighteen months
Kinkajous can go on their own at about four months of age. Until this time it will stay with its mother. The mother will nurse the baby for eight weeks.