A featus is a baby in the womb, but when you are a couple of months into the pregancy. t is when it starts to actually look like a baby, and not a little tadpole.
when the featus has a misplace.
The cast of Control Alt Delete - 2004 includes: Glenn Persson as The Featus
Sometimes, it depends on how far along you are. I had a previous miscarriage and I was able to see the baby in the amniotic sac. My sister-in-law had a miscarriage, and she was able to see a very small perfect little baby. So, yes, it is possible to see the baby.l
In horses, the placenta serves as the connection between the mare and foal, providing nutrition and oxygen to the developing fetus and removing waste products. It also acts as a protective barrier, preventing the mare's immune system from rejecting the foal.
If you mean when you are 17 weeks pregnant, the heart rate is typically somewhere between 110-160 (although at that point, it may still be a little on the high side--the heart rate tends to be the fastest at the beginning of the pregnancy). If you mean how fast your baby's heart rate should be when he or she is 17 weeks old (after being born), it typically will be in the 90-160 range and will slow down over the next several years until it reaches the adult average of 60-100 by the teenage years. Hope this helps! Dr. B
I'm against abortion - and I'm a 15 year old girl.I don't think that you should kill the baby - I believe it as murder, but everyone has different opinions and is entitled to their opinion.In complete honesty its the parents choice but it will soley test your resolve, you cant be against it until you have been in the situation but the reasons for being against it our easily understandable because, well its murder ain't it? there arent two ways about that your taking a life, but technically (with the legal age of the featus being killed standing at 24weeks) it isn't alive when you kill it.
you mean what you mean
The clear white stuff is called albumen and it protects the yolk of the egg. The opaque white stuff (two of them) that is close to the yolk and looks almost like jelly is called chalaza and it is a protein that holds the egg yolk in the center of the albumen. You only see chalaza in fresh eggs as it disappears in stale eggs.
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.
The correct usage is "what DOES it mean"