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Many reasons .. somewhere around 15 to 25 % of all pregnancies fail to go to term.

Many (probably most) problems are genetic (or failure of the genes to reproduce correctly), some are environmental (like alcohol or near drownings of the mother) and some are physical such as a twisting of the umbilical cord.

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Q: How does a miscarriage happen at 7 months?
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Can you have a miscarriage at 7 months?

No, it would be a still birth.

Is it possible to miscarriage after 4 months?

Yes it is...I suffered a miscarriage at 8 months.

Can you slip in the shower and have a miscarriage at 25weeks pregnant?

This depends on how hard you fall. A miscarriage can happen anytime during the pregnancy but the most dangerous time is during the first 3 months.

Can after 2 months miscarriage is detected by any tests?

A miscarriage cannot be detected or determined two months later.

Can you have a miscarriage at five months pregnant?

You can have a miscarriage through out the pregnancy for different reasons.

Can you get pregnancy false alarm on a pregnancy tester after 7 months of miscarriage?

If you have healed and gotten your period back there is no pregnancy hormones so no it can not.

Can you be at home and have a miscarriage?

You can have a natural miscarriage at home, that can happen anywhere. An abortion on the other hand, a induced miscarriage, you can only get at the doctors.

Can you have a miscarriage at 4 months without bleeding?

Yes you can have a miscarriage at any point in pregnancy and not bleed or have any normal signs of miscarriage

What if i have blood stained in 7 months pregnancy and associate urinary tract infection Is this the sign of miscarriage?

UTI is not a sign of miscarriage but if it goes untreated it can cause one. The blood can also come from the UTI. See a doctor ASAP.

Can you have a miscarriage during 5 months of pregnancy?

Yes you can

Did brenda song have a miscarriage?

Yes, Sure looks like it, They announced it 4 months ago that they where and just 2 months later Brenda's Mother said that they Miscarriage

How long in your prgenancy do you have to be to have a miscarriage?

Usually in the first 3 or 4 months is when you have a miscarriage. Maybe you are meaning abortion? Look it up.