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No, it would be a still birth.

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Q: Can you have a miscarriage at 7 months?
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Is it possible to miscarriage after 4 months?

Yes it is...I suffered a miscarriage at 8 months.

Can after 2 months miscarriage is detected by any tests?

A miscarriage cannot be detected or determined two months later.

Can you have a miscarriage at five months pregnant?

You can have a miscarriage through out the pregnancy for different reasons.

Can you get pregnancy false alarm on a pregnancy tester after 7 months of miscarriage?

If you have healed and gotten your period back there is no pregnancy hormones so no it can not.

Can you have a miscarriage at 4 months without bleeding?

Yes you can have a miscarriage at any point in pregnancy and not bleed or have any normal signs of miscarriage

What if i have blood stained in 7 months pregnancy and associate urinary tract infection Is this the sign of miscarriage?

UTI is not a sign of miscarriage but if it goes untreated it can cause one. The blood can also come from the UTI. See a doctor ASAP.

Can you have a miscarriage during 5 months of pregnancy?

Yes you can

Did brenda song have a miscarriage?

Yes, Sure looks like it, They announced it 4 months ago that they where and just 2 months later Brenda's Mother said that they Miscarriage

How long in your prgenancy do you have to be to have a miscarriage?

Usually in the first 3 or 4 months is when you have a miscarriage. Maybe you are meaning abortion? Look it up.

How is it possible to miscarriage at five months?

you are under to much pressure

After a miscarriage how long does the hormones stay in your body?

For a couple of months.

How long do you have pregnancy hormones after miscarriage?

In general for a couple of months.