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The basics of this particular machine is unlike a regular rotary machine that has a cam which rotates clockwise making the needle go up and down in that clockwork motion. This instead has a cam which stands straight up from the motor and in turn moves an assembly that has bearings which make the top swash plate wobble like a coin spinning down on a table. One of the greatest features to this is that the weight is where it should be (the motor stands straight up as opposed to laying down, reducing the akwardness of it being backheavy), and the second feature to it is that it is fairly silent. It does make a sound reminiscent of a sewing machine, but it is a nice alternative to the buzzing of a coil machine or the ungodly dentist drill sound of a Neuma, which for me is one of the biggest non-selling points of the Neuma.

This particular design is very much based on the 1st Generation Australian Swashdrive machines, which was never a bad design, they've just modified it over the years...thus making the Australian machines right around $450-$500....this particular machine in question is right around $15-$50. You do the math.

It could be said by some that the price is a determiner to it's overall worth, but in my experience, it's a great and economical alternative to going the ungodly route of spending anywhere from $300-$2,000 on machines ranging from Australian Swash, to Hyper, to Neuma, and the list goes on and on.

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Q: How does a jackhammer swash tattoo machine work?
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