For the dispensary they keep an inventory. They actually have a point of sale system out just for medical marijuana dispensaries.
But to tell how much you personally buy they would have to enter you into the p.o.s. system on their "donation" register and ring up the donation and the amount they give you under your profile. I don't think any dispensaries do this.
At a dispensary or the black market.
Enter, yes. Buy from, no.
Arizona limits it to 2.5 ounces of marijuana per 2 weeks, or 14 days, that you can buy from dispensaries. They track it when you use your marijuana card, and that's how they regulate how much you can buy and use each month, which is capped at 5 ounces of medical marijuana. (I found this information at:
The only way to buy it is illegal of course, and that would be to find someone who sells it in your area. If by some miracle it's legal where you live, you just have to go to the dispensary and buy it.
If you have a marijuana dispensary license and can buy from someone with a prescription to grow medicinal marijuana, then yes, you can buy and sell legal marijuana without a prescription per sé. For personal use, no. That would mean that marijuana is legal in California, which it clearly is not.
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No. You never know what you are getting on the streets. Chances are the guy you got it from has a clue. at a dispensary just tell the budtender I need a strain for....... and they will tell you what would work best.
You can get in trouble for the smallest amount, any traces of marijuana cops can bust you for but cops usually don't look really hard for little traces of marijuana
you have to buy it
Marijuana addiction is quite a big problem in the US today. The commonest illicit drug being used today, it is most popular amount students, probably because it is quite cheap to buy.
A person decides to smoke marijuana when they are offered it, have an opportunity to buy and smoke it, or when they have an urge to smoke marijuana.
In a dealers house