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It depends which method is used to insert the implants. Overall, the healing process is not pleasant. Mostly aching, in and around your pectoral muscles; sometimes the armpit or abdomen.

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Q: How does a boobjob feel?
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Your boyfriend wants to give you a boobjob?

Don't get pressured into doing something you don't want to. my boyfriend asked me about it the other day and even though we have been going out for almost 3 years I felt very uncomfortable with the idea. After that it was always for a few days but I got over it . I'm not saying don't do it . It's your choice just don't feel like your being pressured into doing something you don't want to .

When you have breast cancer what do they usually remove?

That largely depends on the type and stage of the cancer. it can vary from a simple lumpectomy (This is where a small portion of tissue around a tumor is removed.) to a radical/total mastectomy in which the entire breast tissue is removed. Women who endure a total mastectomy can have "cosmetic" surgeries later to replace the tissue. (a nice upside to the overused boobjob)

What is the future tense of feel?

The future tense of "feel" is "will feel."

What is a sentence for the word feel?

I feel your pain. How did that feel? Can you feel the love?

Is feel a verb or adjective?

Feel is a verb (to feel) and a noun (a feel), but it is not an adjective.

When was Feel - Feel album - created?

Feel - Feel album - was created on 2007-10-26.

When do you feel an earthquake?

You can feel a earthquake when you can feel the floor start to vibrate. You can also feel it because you feel lots of pressure coming down on you,and your body can feel that. Some people even feel a earthquake from a mile away.

What does it mean to feel neutral?

To feel neutral is to feel nothing.

What is 'feel' in french?

As in 'i feel happy' not 'i can feel the table'.

What is the antonym of feel great?

feel terrible feel bad feel awful (basically anything not good)

Example of empathy?

When you feel empathy for someone you in a sence feel bad for them or feel how they feel.