He mistakenly believes that the sole reason to live and be happy is set in making money -
He sees money as proof of success
Scrooge? lol
A miser or scrooge Penny Pincher Spendthrift
An old miser usually refers to a rich person or man that is stingy with their money. Scrooge would be an example of an old miser.
Family Feud: Cheap Stingy Tight Penny Pincher Frugal Scrooge Thrifty
The cast of Scrooge McDuck and Money - 1967 includes: Bill Thompson as Scrooge McDuck
He see the young boy whose illness cannot be managed because he (Scrooge) does not pay Bob enough money to seek medical help. He feels responsible.
Scrooge McDuck and Money - 1967 was released on: USA:23 March 1967
Yes, Scrooge seems to care about money and nothing else until he is visited by the three Spirits.
his money
simply money!
I am not really sure, but maybe beacuse she was dead and he has not seen her for a while.
He fears him the most
He sees money as proof of success
Scrooge is a trader, normally in corn, money lender and landlord renting property.