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In the US, the process of legally buying a fully automatic firearm is not well known. There is no "full auto" permit. However, with very few exceptions, the firearm must be transferred through a firearms dealer that is licensed as a "Class III" dealer. You must apply to the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. You must meet the same requirements as those to buy any other firearm (age, criminal record, etc). The application, together with a $200 tax fee, a completed fingerprint card, and approval from your local law enforcement is submitted to the BATFE. When approved the BATFE returns the paperwork to you and the dealer, and you can pick up your firearm. You should also have a lot of money- a LEGAL Thompson submachinegun that can be transferred to a private citizen sells for about $25,000.

Note that a FEW states DO not permit private ownership of full auto firearms.


Additionally, an FFL01 dealer may obtain a Class III dealer permit, which will allow them not only to buy an sell transferrable full auto weapons, but also to purchase non-transferrable (post-86 for US manufactured weapons, post-68 for imported weapons) full auto weapons, which may be utilized for purposes such as range rental, but may not be transferred to private citizens.

On top of this, you can obtain a Class III manufacturer's license (which will typically require that you first obtain an FFL01 and Class III dealer's license), which will allow you to legally manufacture and convert full auto weapons, although anything you manufacture again cannot be transferred to private citizens.

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