Sort of. If you're in a state which will allow you to obtain a Class III permit to own a full auto firearm, you can buy a full auto pre-1986 AR-15 lower receiver, then purchase the upper receiver and other components.
10 years in prison. The M4A1 is a fully automatic rifle, made after May 1986, and cannot be possessed by private citizens.
Illegal for purchase by civilians in the US, but the US Government pays about $600 per unit.
700 - 900 rounds per minute.
750 - 950 rounds per minute
700 - 900 rounds per minute.
Only with a Prohibited Licence can you own a full auto firearm (which the M4A1 is). A semi-automatic AR-15 would require a Restricted licence.
The cyclic rate of fire of the M4A1 carbine is 700-950 rounds per minute. The exact number will vary depending on what ammunition is used.
The M4A1 carbine is chambered for the 5.56x45mm NATOcartridge, the same as the assault rifle it was derived from, the M16. It is also capable of firing the .223 Remington sporting cartridge.
$1,032 per rifle according to the DoD
The M4A1 is a variant of the M4 carbine, now capable of fully automatic fire. The M4 was in turn derived from the M16A2 assault rifle, which has rear sights adjustable for elevation and a brass deflector for left-handed users. The M4 and M16A2 share the same receiver and trigger group.
Yes. The M4A1 is a variant of the M4 carbine that replaces the three-round burst mode with fully automatic fire. Both rifles can also fire in semi-automatic mode.
The M4 can select semi-automatic fire or three-round bursts. The M4A1 can be switched from semi-auto to fully automatic.