all u do is go to the chat menu and scroll up untill you find what u want 2 delete, edit, or whatever you need 2 do
This is a written homework assignment for you and we don't do homework essays for students. You need to do this. For one thing your teacher is looking to see if you learned the history lesson and to have you think critically about it.
Late december
no.1 log on to facebook no.2 search (introducing timeline) or (timeline) no.3 click (get timeline) no.4 get a cover picture no.5 Click publish now
This was ethnocentric philosophy concerning any world that wasn’t considered European and white. The maps of the time also show Europe larger than Africa, but in reality Africa was larger. Many early historians and archeological sites also pushed the ethnocentric view of the world as they discovered the ancient history of Africa and South America.
only if you have her facebook password
I believe only the creators of Facebook can do that. You can check chat history from the past maybe 48 hours if you haven't cleared the window, or cleared your cache/cookies.
In order to view your full Facebook chat history, open up a chat box with the person in your friends list that you were chatting with. With Scrapboy, you are able to open up a chat box with a person even if they are offline. Then scroll to the top of the chat and click "More..." in the top left hand corner. This will bring up your full chat history with this person.
you may have to call facebook
no i dont think so
No, Facebook chat history cannot be seen. Only the comments and shares can be seen. It can be done if you take its backup.
this is not possible, sorry.
Facebook does not store deleted chat history. Once a message or conversation is deleted by a user, it is permanently removed and cannot be retrieved by Facebook or anyone else.
no bro .. it is impossible
Facebook chat conversation history is only stored by Facebook for a short period of time. To store Facebook Chat history on your computer [1] use a Facebook IM like Chit Chat for Facebook ( [2] use a Firefox addon -