EDGE OS v1.4 - Edge Software
Moonshell for EDGE (Rel 2) - Moonshell software.
You will extract the files from the 2 above and place them on the Root directory for
your Micro SD.
You may want to also create 2 other folders on the root
one called MP3 and one called Video. These will be for Moonshell.
This is what you should see on your memory card.
[videos] -folder - (sometimes videos don't work)
[mp3] -folder
[moonshl] -folder
[EDGE] -folder
EDGE.DAT -file
DS_organize.nds - Homebrew files
Once that's all done. Place youe micro SD in your Edge card, place edge card into
your DS and now your ready to use your Edge card.
You will be prompted for a languel. move D pad to the one that is right for you and press A button to confim. Then you will see 3 menu option. Left side is for Home brew. Middle is for MoonShell (videos, mp3s) Right menu is Options/configure to boot to slot 2 (GBA slot) or cheats enable or disable.
Be wary of whether you are using an EDGE or iEDGE - these two are fundamentally different.Chat with our AI personalities