Usually following a oval or a rice pattern with your movement, dont stop too often, try not to drag them sideways, remember, its going to lay down ink far better then you expect, and never as solid as you wanted. My experience with Mag needles, they tend to heal lighter then I thought they would, about 30%.
With a light touch, tight skin, and good movement, a mag needle is a wonderful brush.
Remember to stay at an angle to get a good mixed lay both to the skin and to the stroke, stay tight, and take your time.
Don't stop moving when you're in the flesh.
Bleeding means you're going too deep.
Or cutting them.
The sides can cut like a razor if dragged improperly in some of the larger groupings.
That's what Spider knows.
You use size B.use a 7 to 9 mag
How many volts for a 9 mag
Yes you can, just use a needle or guitar string just make the same action with the needle as a regular tattoo gun would (up and down)
You could use a needle and Indian ink, you would have to use fast, sharp poking motions so that the ink will go into the skin, it all depends on your pain tolerance and if you can do this to yourself :)
to do the outline on a tattoo you need a needle called a liner for instance you could use a 14 round liner. now for shading you need a shader which is another kind of needle now you can use a 14 round shader or a 14 flat mag shader that answer your question and an p.s you can get a needle any size they can go as small as 1 all the way up to a 49 flat and so on
a 7
This is talking about the tip of the needle. Standard is round, i don't know about curved, that's kind of scary, at least I have never heard of them, however there are tapered tips as well, which is probably what your talking about. Mag needles are stacked, if there is no stack they are also called flats. For the artist, tattooing is all about technique, and depending on your technique, you may choose to use a tapered needle, or a standard round.
ya, most likely, they use a needle
like the others
Any sewing needle will do. you can also use guitar strings and sand the with sandpaper to make them work.
Flat? Do you mean in a row or staggered (mag)? I don't use actual flats but mags are best for gray shading and blending color, lose rounds are good for uniform flat color.