Ask her if she likes someone then look for these signs
You will know if she\he acts weird around you and avoids you more than anyone else.
And let her\him know the real you not some fake image you might give off.
By telling him or her the next day is Saturday.Telling him or her the next day is summer vacation.
Well, simply, the question "Hey, wanna do some homework at my place?" can mean A LOT. It depends on how the girl says it, how the girl acts after asking the question, and if the girl likes you/you like her It might just be a normal and friendly half hour of homework, but there are many possibilities. The girl might just suddenly "make a move" and can turn out from friends to a relationship, it just depends on how the girl acts Who knows it might just turn out to be a trick to get a guy to have sexual intercourse with a girl watch out guys!!!
Be nice, polite and say "thank you".
if she doesn't look at you but stares at you and then when you look back she looks away and she has a glint in her eyes that means she likes you
it means she likes you.
Pretend to be really caring and support her feelings and all that. Say that maybe you could help her and whoever she likes get together
That means he girl likes you and answer that question by telling the girl something she likes to do. If you don't know what the girl likes to do then you're a goner
Joe isn't shy about telling a girl he likes her. but he usually gives her hugs and nudges her and compliments her and smiles a lot to tell her he likes her write away.
You can ask her!
It means that the guy also likes the girl and would like to go out with her.
Trip her and say it was an accident all though it was on purpose.
She likes that guy, and thinks that you are a good enough friend that you will help her.
Answer If the girl is confident and feels comforatable telling you then she will. If the girl is not confident or wants you to know that she likes you without having to ask she will withhold whom she likes until you tell her you like her first.
He is telling you that he likes another girl.
it probably means she likes you. but be careful they might trick you. and i know this cus im a girl
IF the girl likes you back she will not care what her friends think. Her friends may hate you but your not telling her friends you like them your telling HER. Her friends will eventually get used to it.