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See, this is my problem; what would you gain by telling him apart from feeling better? If you are seriously committed, ready to marry in the future etc this will end it all and not just between you and him but it can also end it between him and his brother. If you and the brother never will hook up again there is no reason to tell. If you want the brother or end the relationship you have to tell him and then it wont matter how because he loves you and it will hurt like hell because he has been betrayed by his girlfriend and brother. People often confess these things to make themselves feel better which they don't really deserve. If that is the reason it's selfish because you will be putting him through hell. People get through these things when they find out 15 years later but rarely right after it happened.

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Q: How do you tell your boyfriend that you cheated with his brother?
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You guys need to talk about this and consider your options. Goood Luck!

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They may be jealous... Or hate you. Either way, tell him its not true.

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Tell him honestly & as soon as possible. Don't omit information, either. You were reckless. Since you cheated, face the consequences.

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He will leave & you deserve it. YOU CHEATED ON HIM. It's not fair to him to be cheated on without knowing & it's unfair for you to leave HIM because YOU cheated. Cheating, if you want to cheat then face the consequences.