From the serial number. There are various references that list ranges of serial numbers for different years.
What year was the H & R 922 6" revolver, serial number E664 manufactured? Thanks
I am showing that HR made a revolver in models 826,829,832,and 922.If you check your model number again it may be one of these.Please repost your question if that is the case.
"C" prefix indicates 1942
I own one myself. It's a .22 caliber rimfire revolver, first made around 1925 with an octagonal barrel. The round barrel was introduced in 1938 and it was produced on and off again until the 70s. It's a decent solid frame revolver. Maybe depending on condition you could get a few hundred for one.
'R' prefix indicates 1955
"AU" prefix indicates 1980
No sn data for that model I can find.
Blue Book of Gun Values can help with how long the Model was made.
Very, very, very, very, seldom will it exceed 100 USD
'AH' serial prefix indicates manufacture in 1971.
Buy Jim Spacek's book.