Take a pregnancy test. That is the best way to know. Your body can give you fake periods when you are pregnant or you can have a hidden pregnancy where you don't have a bump. The best way to know is to take a pregnancy test...you can buy these or have one at your local doctors.
No, there's no way to tell whether a woman was taking birth control when she got pregnant (unless she is pregnant with the implant or IUD).
In general if you have your period you are not pregnant. You can take a home pregnancy test if you are unsure.
you'll get pregnant?
I was pregnant and i didnt know about it. And usually birth control makes you bloat. Well come to find out i was pregnant. So dont ever let anyone tell you that birth control is 100% effective. it depends on your body and how your body reacs to the b/c. THanks Viktoria New Orleans
You can find out in about one week. You should keep testing frequently. The birth control may cause you to have less periods.
I want to get pregnant? My doctor said to take prenatal vitamins
You can tell if you're pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. The implant does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test. Pregnancy is rare on the implant.
I've seen this question around and I have already answered it once today and I wonder where this comes from. Of course birth control does not make it easier to get pregnant! Birth control prevents ovulation and you can not get pregnant without a egg. in order to get pregnant you have to quit using any type of birth control. And yes, birth control is not 100% effective but not using it is 0% effective. It never helps you getpregnant!
If you have a bacterial infection that your doctor feels would be best treated by amoxycillin, yes it is safe. Whatever your doctor prescribes you should always tell him/her you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, or on birth control.
well while taking anti biotics it makes birth contol pills not work you could get pregnant if you are having unprotective sex so you might want to tell her that and maybe she will wanna tell the doctor than that you are taking birth control pills
yes, but you need to tell your OB about it as soon as possible.
A pregnant woman should not.This medication can cause birth defects in an unborn baby. Do not use if you are pregnant. Use an effective form of birth control, and tell your doctor if you become pregnant during treatment.More information on the drug on related link below.