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You know how you kinda pan the room in class? Do that A lot and see if she was looking you each time, that's usually a good sign

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11mo ago

Observing their body language, such as making eye contact, smiling, and trying to be around you more often, can indicate if a ninth grader likes you. They may also try to engage you in conversations and find reasons to talk to you. Pay attention to their behavior and see if they show signs of interest or attraction towards you.

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Q: How do you tell if a ninth grader likes you?
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You are in the ninth grade and you told a guy that you like him how will you know if he likes ne back?

as long as you were direct with him, he should tell you if he does. just ask him, and tell him to just be honest, and he'll tell you. >comin from a future 9th grader-AKA 8th grader lol. (PS- answer mine! )

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You ask. Really is it that hard?

Can an 8 grade girl go out with a 9 grade boy?

She can if the ninth grader likes her. There is no reason why not except if he doesn't like her.

Can a third grader date a ninth grader?

No, there is too much of an age difference

What if a sixth grader likes you and your a freshman what should you do if you like him to?

Tell that six grader that you are way to old for them and you need to find someone your age and so do they.

How can you tell if a 6th grader likes you if your in 5th grade?

Go up to the person and ask them. Welcome.

How old is the average ninth grader?

about 14 to 15

Ways that a 5 grader likes you and you are a 5 grader too?

you can tell if they smile or laugh @ ur jokes that aren't funny. also blush and giggle if u compliment her.

How do you know a second grader likes you?

He is to shy to talk to you thats how u know a 2nd grader likes you

Is it ok for a ninth grader to date a 12thgrader?

i would think so.

What base should a ninth grader be on?

U should be hitting a HOME RUN!

What is a good 40 time for a ninth grader?

anywhere between 4.7 and 5.1