He is to shy to talk to you thats how u know a 2nd grader likes you
if he is shy or rude around u then u will kno
Provided you are a second grader yourself, you tell the person.
Like what is that what like I know you like staring but pls stop like
If that fifth grader likes the other fifth grader then I don't know how you could stop them from kissing. If they really love each other they will both figure out a way to kiss each other without anyone knowing.
Well considering they are in the 3rd grade, they are probably more concerned about their barbies or hotwheels. Sorry.
If she seems a little shy, she's probably into you.
It would not be a good idea for a 6th grader to try to "date" a 2nd grader. You're just going to have to suck it up, and deal with it. Most likely that 2nd grades is NOT mature enough to even know what it means to "like" somone. If this is happening in school, one thing you could do is tell the teacher (the 2nd grader's teacher) and tell the teacher that te kid is bothering you. The easiest way, though is to just ignore her and maybe if you really feel like it, you could try to dress REALLY differently (change your style completely) and see if she still likes you or not.
"Who does jasmine the 4th grader like?" hey its rainetonight and maybe other people don't know jasmine that's why if you want to know who she likes you should ask someone or even ask her if you feel comfortable.
you just act normal and be yourself
What year are you in if you are younger it is much the same as any other relationship. If you are older you are kind of in a problem because i don't know
17/100 is the answer just so you know.
You do cute things that he likes, for example eating the food he likes and hanging out with him during lunch.