If you are not also a teen, then why do you care?
If you are a teen, too, then a girl will express her interest in you by paying attention to you in various ways.
buddy, that's a question very few uys know, and i wish i knew.
Signs that a 14-year-old girl may like you can include frequent eye contact, smiling, laughing at your jokes, initiating conversations or seeking your attention, and showing interest in your interests and hobbies. Remember that it's important to communicate openly and respectfully to understand each other's feelings.
1. She might blush when you're around her, or turn clumsy or something like that
2. If you make eye contact with her, she will probably look away and blush
3. If one of her friends asks who you like or what kind of girls you like
4. She might stutter or seem embarrassed while talking to you
I like a boy 1 year older than me (no one knows)
but i think I
I hope it helps! i havent seen it from the other side it is just what i do!
Chloe x
well talking to her first would be a good idea. either face to face or over a site like facebook and msn. dont be scared to to start the conversations. if she likes you then she will looks at you throughout the day. watch her and just watch for whether she looks at you plus it doesnt matter if she sees you cause it just shows that you like her aswell.
most people say 'play it cool' but not too cool, girls like to know if you are interested or your just friends. they hate wondering nad worrying about it.
basically she will look at you, want to chat and generally be alot friendlier than she is to other boys. watch how she acts with them.
all the usual signs:StaringtalkingcomplementsEct.
if you are the 15 year old boy tell her how you feel about her. if you are the girl then tell him how you feel about him and tell him it cant work.
You can tell if a ten year old boy like a ten year old girl by if he teases her or is VERY kind to her. If he ignores you, he probably isn't interested. If he pulls your hair, that is a sign that he likes you. If he a very kind and sweet he likes you. It really depends on the guy. He might just tell u (:
Well im a girl so would call him or tell him in person i like him..... and see what he says
You can't date Tigers?
you dont, tell her no your too young for me
you can tell that a 10 year old girl likes a 11 year old boy by the way she may try to avoid contact with him, but is always staring at him. if that 11 year old boy is already going out with someone, then the 10 year old girl may try to get info about the relationship by asking the 11 year old boys' girlfriend.
Send her signs, or ask her out.
ask her its the only sure way to know
Ask him.
If they stop blogging on tumblr to answer your text...they like you.
she gets nervous around you and looks at you a lot.