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You can tell if a ten year old boy like a ten year old girl by if he teases her or is VERY kind to her. If he ignores you, he probably isn't interested. If he pulls your hair, that is a sign that he likes you. If he a very kind and sweet he likes you. It really depends on the guy. He might just tell u (:

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Q: How can you tell if a 10 year old boy likes a 10 year old girl?
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Ask him.

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she gets nervous around you and looks at you a lot.

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Well im a girl so would call him or tell him in person i like him..... and see what he says

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he or she is dome

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you can tell that a 10 year old girl likes a 11 year old boy by the way she may try to avoid contact with him, but is always staring at him. if that 11 year old boy is already going out with someone, then the 10 year old girl may try to get info about the relationship by asking the 11 year old boys' girlfriend.

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Walk up to the boy and tell him or slip himm a note.

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i think you should tell the boy how you feel

How do you tell if an 11 year old boy likes you?

If they hit you a lot or looks at you like you are the only girl in the world.