You need to remove the recoil pad. Once the pad is removed the stock is hollow. You need a long flathead screwdriver to remove the one bolt holding the stock on. Shine a flashlight into the stock and you'll see the bolt easily.
you must 1st remove the rubber butt, i think they are 2 Phillips screws, the bolt is then inside the stock, which you kan use either a large long flathead screw driver or a socket set and extention, i cannot remember size of socket piece though , maybe use a torch to shine inside the stock 2 get a fair idea of the bolt size, hope that helps
S-130 is a type of rear sight used on Mossberg rifles- but not the model of the rifle. Take a look on the barrel.
take it to a gunsmith and ask for help
the only way it will ever be put back together is to take it to your local gun smith
Pretty sure it was Mossberg. Take a look at a list of Mossberg shotguns. I'm sure you will find one that looks like your Western Field.
Pretty sure it was Mossberg. Take a look at a list of Mossberg shotguns. I'm sure you will find one that looks like your Western Field.
Take a close look at your markings- I think you have a model 185 D (b). If so, it was made from 1950-1955. There is no Model 1850 b listed in my references.
It depends on the model. Call them at 1-800-847-9981 if you have the model or stock number from the instruction book. If you don't have model or stock number, you can take some good digital pictures of the chair and email them to
Follow instructions in owner's manual. If you don't have one, go to Mossberg's web site for information on how to get one.
With the exception of taking the action out of the stock, and the bolt out of the action- it is not necessary to disassemble the 146B. If you have taken more things apart, would suggest you take it to a gunsmith. There are no manuals for the 146B due to age.
Remove the buttplate, shone a light in the hole in the center of the stock. You should see the head of a bolt. Using a socket and an extension, unscrew the stock bolt. Stock should slide off.
Take stock of. Synonyms: audit, check, assess, review, survey, examine, inspect, look over, inventory.