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With the exception of taking the action out of the stock, and the bolt out of the action- it is not necessary to disassemble the 146B. If you have taken more things apart, would suggest you take it to a gunsmith. There are no manuals for the 146B due to age.

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Q: How do you assemble a mossberg 146b rifle?
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Related questions

What year was a Mossberg 146B Rifle made?

The Mossberg and Sons Model 146B was manufactured in 1954-1958.

Is the mossberg model 146b 22 rifle a single shot rifle?

Made from 1949-1954, the Mossberg 146B is a tubular magazine bolt action repeater. It holds 20 LR cartridges, or 30 Shorts. Very nice rifles.

Where is the serial number located on a mossberg 146b 22 rifle?

Serial numbers were not required before 1968.

Where can you get a diagram to identify parts for a of mossberg and sons inc rifle model 146b-a 22-s-lr?

try egunparts

Where do you find a repair manual for a mossberg model146ba bolt action 22 rifle?

The "manual" for a Mossbery 146B(a) consists of a one page sheet, which is in the link below.

Where can you get a bolt for the Mossberg 146B 22 Rifle and does it need to be fitted by a gun smith?

Two POSSIBLE sources come to mind (the 146B has been out of production for a long time now), which is Numrich Gun Parts, and Vic Havlin runs the Mossberg Collectors Assoc, and is pretty much THE man for anything Mossberg. And yes- ANY bolt should be checked by a smith for correct headspace when replacing a factory bolt. Having bad headspace can be dangerous on ANY firearm.

What is a Model 146B O E mossberg 22 Cal Bolt action worth?

35-100 USD

How much is a Mossberg Model 146b worth?

Depending on condition and originality/ completeness, anywhere from $100 to $250 for a like new specimen.

What is a model 146b mossberg 22 worth?

Depends on condition and completeness. The rifle had 3 sights- front, rear barrel, rear receiver, and Mossberg quick detach sling swivels. If sights or swivels are missing, they are expensive to replace. Well worn specimen $100, excellent complete specimen $250-$300. Active collector interest in Mossberg 22s from this period. (Nice rifles- have 2 of them)

You need a bolt for mod 146b-a rifle YES?

Gun shops, gun shows, want ads.

What bolts will fit a mossberg 46A rifle?

Do not attempt to use other than a Mossberg bolt made for that rifle.

Value of mossberg 22 cal rifle?

A Mossberg 22 rifle such as the Plinkster depending on the condition is worth around $150-200.