you should take it slow then get to the tongue
The best way to tell to a girl that you want to take things slow is by telling her the importance of financial stability in a relationship.
i think yes it would new and if she wants to take it slow then i suggest you take it slow. if you really like this girl then you would take it slow. sooner or later you guys could take it a little faster. just be patient. ;)
say yes and go slow alright but if you are sure that you want me to .but if i do sleep with can we take it slow
If you are the type of girl who jumps into relationships, but want to take things slowly with a new guy, tell him. Taking things slowly means spending more time talking and getting to know each other before making a commitment.
try to become his friend don't be mean and take it slow
no seeing i am a girl take it slow go to dinner with her and slowly as you are leaving put your arm around her neck and kiss her do not rush it
she wants to make sure you`re not just using her.
she obviously likes you but dont do anything stupid take it slow
If you really like this girl than you should. But if you don't really like her than you should just take it slow.
One thing a guy wants is the girl to be herself. First, ask him if he likes you? Take it slow.
If the girl doesn't like you, never exceed your limits. Take it slow and try to find topics to talk to her. Improve you image in her eyes. When you have done that, become her friend and support her in all the times. You have to go really slow, but the result will be rewarding.