

Best Answer

she obviously likes you

but dont do anything stupid

take it slow

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Q: What does it mean if a girl puts poo at the end of your name?
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When a person puts dots at the end of their sentence, it usually indicates a pause or hesitation in their writing. It can also convey a sense of mystery, suspense, or trailing off in thought.

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I think it's a girl name becasue there's a A at the end My name is Aminta and im a girl so its a girl name. Also its means protector.

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It might meen it is a hug. I thought it stood for a kiss, but a hug works too!

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It means that you are a loser.

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A 'smiley face' at the end of the text he sent you means he is happy to be in contact with you.

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In the UK fanny means a woman's vagina. In the US it means a person's rear end, or a beautiful name for a girl. (Fannee or Fannie)

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