what is the name for an agreement between countries that often puts an end to a dispute
Not sure which girl you mean but the little girl at the end with the curly hair that says "bundling" her name is Merit Leighton www.meritleighton.com
girls use X's and 'I luv u' to everyone.
When a person puts dots at the end of their sentence, it usually indicates a pause or hesitation in their writing. It can also convey a sense of mystery, suspense, or trailing off in thought.
I think it's a girl name becasue there's a A at the end My name is Aminta and im a girl so its a girl name. Also its means protector.
It might meen it is a hug. I thought it stood for a kiss, but a hug works too!
It means that you are a loser.
A 'smiley face' at the end of the text he sent you means he is happy to be in contact with you.
he likes girl that their name is start with the 'I' and end with the 'N'
In the UK fanny means a woman's vagina. In the US it means a person's rear end, or a beautiful name for a girl. (Fannee or Fannie)