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Eat snacks that you Enjoy but are healthy at the same time. Also keep your self busy and mind of food !

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Q: How do you stop craving while dieting?
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How do you stop craving sugar while on amitriptyline?

Satisfy the craving and eat sugar, or, have some self restraint and close the sweet drawer.

How do you stop an ice cream craving?

On an episode of Dr.Oz he said eat frozen peanut butter to stop the craving. Alternate answer: Have some ice cream. This is not always the way to go depending on if you are diabetic or have other issues with the sugar or milk in ice cream but sometimes when you are craving something for quite a while, your body is trying to tell you something. It's trying to tell you that it needs a nutrient or nutrients found in whatever it is that you are craving. Most of the time, once you eat what you are craving then the craving is satisfied. Obviously if you've already eaten a pint of ice cream and you're still craving it you need to find something else to stop the craving.

How do you stop a craving?

You stop a craving by putting a rubber band on your wrist and you let it hit your self it worked for me just do it till you think you will stop

Is cheese a good food while dieting?

no cheese is not at all good while you are dieting because it adds to fat in your body

Is dieting good for you?

Over dieting can be very harmful, (Think Anorexia) but controlled dieting while maintaining a balanced intake of food can be healthy.

Is having a craving for chocolate good?

i guess its ok if you have a little craving every once and a while

How do you stop craving sugar?

Eat non sugary foods

Why can't i stop calorie counting and dieting?

Because you're fat

How do you lose weight in a year?

Stop eating twinkies. Dieting and Exercising.

You have not smoked in ten day's when will you stop craving a cigarette?

never. never

Can dieting stop your menstual cycle?

Yes - especially if you develop Anorexia Nervosa.

How do i stop craving-?

Trying to stop a craving can be a very difficult task. One thing that helps some people is by replacing the craved item with something less harmful. Replacing cigarettes with gum for instance, or candy with fruit.