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Once the app is updating, you can only pause the update. You cannot stop the update. You will have to wait until it is finished updating to do whatever you want with that app.

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How do I pause an app from updating?

When it's still updating u can press the app that's updating one time to pause it and press it again to start updating it again.

How do you change your app store?

by updating it

Does updating any app in the app store take a lot of gigs off your internet?

No, updating an app in the app store does not take a lot of gigs of the internet like downloading it for the first time.

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Im thinking about builiding an app that I would have to add articles to Are there any technology experts that could tell me how to add content to app without updating it what app creator is best?

To add content to an app without updating it, simply use the templates available, and make your work easier.

What does it mean when an app you just downloaded says waiting?

It means that the app is either waiting for the Payment to be processed, or if you are updating, it means that it is waiting for the other apps to finish updating. Apple only allows one download at a time.

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Updating the software to 2.0 does not make the generation of the iPod Touch a 2nd gen.

Does updating apps cost money?

No updating your iPod touch or iPhone doesn't cost money.just go to the app store and click updates at the bottom strip of things.

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Is there minecraft for the new i pod touch?

Yes it is they keep on updating the same app to higher IOS's.

Can you restore an app after updating it?

If your iPod is 4G you will lose your data however if it is 5G you won't and I'm talking about model

How do you get rid of the red updates button on the app store without updating?

mmm deleting the apps that need to be updated