You could just get him alone, sit him on the couch, climb on top of him and pull your shirt up. I mean its pretty simple actually...
If its a guy................BREASTS!
No, because he is your boyfriend. Now if it was someone like your boyfriend's best friend that would't be alright...
It is not known whether or not Brittney Griner has a boyfriend at this time.
Yes she does. His name is Tom, but he's not Tom from the Show.
Go for it girl! you might get lucky in the bedroom that night
If you show him your breasts he might be scarred for life.
If its a guy................BREASTS!
If your trying to show off your boobs yea wear a bikini. (Edit) Everybody wears a bikini, but a string bikini is an invitation to your boyfriend that everyone gets to see. Perves don't understand that the invitation is private.
Men love boobs!
obvioulsy because he wants to get in your pants
He's horny.
no but only if there boyfriend and girlfriend thats gross
Because they look beautiful to him. 🤷🏽‍♂️
You can get bruises anywhere. On the breasts either means she's been hit there or her boyfriend is too rough.