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settings/wifi, touch the blue button next to the name of the network and then "forget this network"

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Q: How do you reset your password for your ipod touch network?
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What is a wep password on the iPod touch?

its a wifi or network password

What is my sister's iPod Touch password?

If u want to reset it then then restore it on iTunes

What happens when you reset your network settings on your iPod touch?

It will clear everything your ipod knows about its networks

How do you reset a forgotten password for ipod touch 4th generation?

Plug it into your computer with itunes on it.

How do you unlock your ipod touch if you dont know the password?

Just plug it to the computer and it will reset it

What is the password for an iPod touch to get on apps?

if you want to go on the app store on the ipod you have to get wifi then go into settings then to wifi the connect to a network by tapping an available network then put in the password that it is set to

How do you download music from your i pod touch without your password?

wel theres one answer you can reset your ipod

How do you reset iPod touch if lost password?

Hold the home and sleep button at the same time.

How can you unlocked your iPod if you forget your password?

Let's hope you saved all of the data on your iPod Touch somewhere, because it's time to reset it completely.Plug it into iTunes, and then click on the iPod Touch menu, and then click 'Restore'. Follow any possible instructions from there and you should have completely reset the iPod Touch and no longer have a password for it.

Does synching iPod reset password?

Syncing an iPod to put songs, videos, etc., on it does not reset the password.

What is the password for the iPod touch Internet?

There is no password for the ipod touch internet. There is a password for the internets on the ipod touches the internets that require a password are 2WIRE212, Craig, and LittleOak.

How do you reset your ipod touch password?

Basically all you have to do is enter the settings application and select change password. *note. You will have to reenter the previous password before the change can occur.