when typing your text and you go over 160 characters your words should wrap onto a new text slate and that will send to the person no matter how long.
There is a app called skype you can text with it and theres ebuddy which id for instant messeging
Yes you can but you have to download an app! Text Plus!!!
It depends on what 'Free Text' app you choose. Text Plus is completely free, while Unlimited Text is free, but only allows 15 texts per day, and the paid-for version of Unlimited Text allows unlimited texting on your iPod Touch or iPhone. It depends on your choice of text apps.
No, you can't send any text message with any phone off.
Yes if you have the txting app
you can send email to a touch, and u can send texts to a phone but not to a touch
No it won't since the ipod touch can't send or receive any text messages. If you mean the iphone then yes
they listen to their IPOD touch, send text messages through their Blackberry and drive themselves to see a movie by their Land Rover. they listen to their IPOD touch, send text messages through their Blackberry and drive themselves to see a movie by their Land Rover.
iPod Touch already has a browser built in called Safari, were you can go to a website to send sms/text messages but you cannot directly text from an iPod regardless of internet
You can download certain messaging apps and apps that send free text messages to real phones.
Yes you can. Try using Textfree, from the app store.
Well, depends which message you refer to. I got an iPod touch te other day, and I discovered you can check your email. And to text, a good quality and free application is called text plus, which you can find in the app store.
Well about 2
The iPod touch dos not offer the ability to send SMS text mesaging. To send an SMS you need a data plan from a cell phone provider.
Unfortunately its impossible to text with an ipod. there are some apps, but they charge you and you can only send messages to people who've also bought the app.
TextNow, Text Free, and more. P.S if your friend's have Ipod/Iphone you can text them with the app Messages that comes with the Ipod