Tighten the screw in upper left corner on the left side of the receiver. Check all other screws while your at it.
The link gives barrel code location and tables to look up date.
OH on the barrel? that's not the serial. If it's early probably July 1961.
All Remingtons made from 1921 have a date code stamped on the barrel. The details and table can be found on the Remington Society of America, Manufactures Link.
50-150 USD or so
Check the barrel codes on the Remington Society of America. http://remingtonsociety.com/rsa/questions/barrelcodes
It's date code stamped on the barrel, see related links for information on the Remington Society of America.
50-150 usd
Get the date code stamped on the barrel and look on the Remington Society of America for manufacturing date page, also has diagram of location if you can't find them.
You need to look up the barrel codes, the details are on the Remington Society of America here: http://remingtonsociety.com/rsa/questions/barrelcodes
it is below the feildmaster logo
Check date code, see related links
Request an owner's manual from Remington on their web site, it's free.